Last updated : December 15, 2007

Return to schedule of minutes

Minutes of the meeting held at the Village Hall on 28 November 2006

Present:           Mrs P Harrison                        Vice Chairman & Treasurer
Mrs D Collins                          Secretary        
Mrs A Roberts                                    Church           
Mr P Williams                         Parish meeting
Mr N Thomas                          Social Club
Mrs M Exton                           Ladies' Club

The meeting opened at 8.07 pm.                                                                                        

APOLOGIES: There were apologies from Mr R Bridges, Rev J Spriggs, Miss A Hobbs  & Mrs F Twilley                                  


The minutes of the previous committee meeting held on 12 September 2006 were approved and signed by the Vice Chairman, as a true and correct record.  


            There were no matters arising.

35/06   TREASURER’S REPORT (Minute28/06 refers):

 Present balance is       £    307.16 in the Money Master account
£    203.05 in the current account
£      28.45 in Cash
Total                £    538.65
Plus                 £45,000 in Nottingham Building Society.

Mrs Harrison reported that the previous half-yearly water bill was £593 (we knew the urinals were using too much water) but the latest is only £155. 
The committee thanked Mr N Cox, who obtained & fitted a gadget which
restricts the flushing of the urinals to when they are being used.  This has made a very valuable saving and the committee agreed that Mr Cox should be told how much help he has been.

36/06   REPORTS FROM SUBCOMMITTEES: (Minute 30/06 refers):

            Fund-Raising: It was agreed to take a rest from fund-raising and concentrate on  the work to be done with part of Mr Leeson's generous donation.

Maintenance:   Mr Roberts has made a good job of trimming the ivy on the
East wall of the building and we thank him for it.
The Emergency lights were checked on 10th October 2006and were perfectly satisfactory.  This will not need doing again for 6 months.
The burglar Alarm was tested and maintained on 13th November 2006 by All-Secure Services.

36/06   A quote of £440 has been obtained for painting the walls and ceilings of the main hall and foyer.  The committee agreed that Mr Alex Barbour should be asked to quote for the Social Club and toilets as well and that this work should be carried out as soon as the flooring and new cubicles are completed in the toilets.
The quote for flooring all three toilets, with the flooring continuing a short way up the walls over a curved length of wood to facilitate cleaning and bring us into line with best hygienic practice in public buildings was approved by the committee.
Mr Alan Cady of Cady & Simpson has quoted just £962 including VAT for this work and can carry it out during January.  They will remove the old flooring.
The quote for the new cubicles is £992 including VAT and they will be delivered within 21 days of ordering.
This will need co-ordinating with the flooring so that the toilets are out of action for as short a time as possible.  Mrs Harrison has asked Gary Brickles to erect the new ones,  he may be able to help to dismantle the old ones if need be.  He will charge by the hour. 
Mrs E Cox has very kindly lent some stainless steel kitchenware for the use of anyone using the village hall kitchen.  This is a free loan for as long as Mrs Cox does not need the items.  It is expected to be a long-term loan and the committee thanked Mrs Cox.
The Social Club have chosen a cooker suitable for their needs.  It is a Belling Kensington 110E Range Cooker. It will cost £1035 (this is discounted from £1255) and will need a cooker hood costing £305.
This is slimmer than the previous one chosen and will need much less disruption while being fitted.  Mr Connelly- Heywood knows someone who can undertake this fitting and the committee agreed to spend £1500 on it, hoping that the extra £160 will cover the fitting.

37/06   SECRETARY'S CORRESPONENCE: (Minute 31/06 refers)

a) The Charity Commission has accepted our request and the Official Custodian is now our Vesting Trustee.   This makes no practical difference to the running of the hall and our duties remain the same.

b)  Mrs Collins has now applied to the Land Registry for a change of Vesting Trustee.


            Mr N Thomas asked if Mrs Collins would find a deputy Booking Clerk as a booking was lost while she was on holiday in October.   She promised to ask Mrs Twilley if she was prepared to take this on.   
Mr Williams asked if there was any objection to moving the light switches from behind the bar to a position on the wall of the Club Room to the left of the bar as you face it from the room.  Mr K Smith will undertake this and the committee agreed it is a good idea.

The next meeting will be held  on Tuesday 13 February 2007  at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.15 pm.